Dirk D.

Just rambling and ranting about all sorts of stuff.

Read this first

Edward Snowden’s Exclusive German TV Interview

German Television Channel NDR did an exclusive interview with Edward Snowden which was aired on Sunday Jan. 26th late nite European Time.

It was broadcasted only dubbed in german, which in my opinion takes a lot away. You know, lost in translation.

And believe germans are specialists in doing it.

Afterwards it appeared on the ARD Mediathek, needless to say the relevance of such an interview, the Public Broadcaster is only allowing the video to be viewable within Germany, you know, because no one actually cares about what Edward Snowden is talking about. They say is due to “Legal Reasons”.

I think the good thing to do is to make it available for everybody to watch it.

So here you can see the full interview in english.

I’m not going to explain the topics of the interview, just watch it yourself.


Update: The video has been taken down, no matter where it’s uploaded.
You can...

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No to “no spy” agreement

Yet again the US kindly said to Germany go f@k yourselves!

Now that it’s public, people started flooding Twitter and Überwachung (Surveillance) has been trending for days. And i have to bring up that Twitter usage in Germany, in my experience, is really low.
Or somehow i just happen to know the people that don’t use it.

As if before this political failure of Berlin they didn’t do it.
Right, because they didn’t do that to the so called most powerful woman in the World for years as-well as all the imbeciles in key positions of the German Government. It’s hard to believe that this are the same people that ran the Stasi.
People actually think that it’ll just start now. “Oh god, i’m only going to use services from the EU, because they’re secure!”

I already wrote about it in the past, almost a year ago, that people here are just plain naive and stupid.
Thinking that National Governments...

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iTunes Store Customer Support

Recently i had to contact iTunes Support because i wasn’t able to purchase a In-App Add-on for an App called Groundwire.
I have an US iTunes account since 2008 even though i haven’t lived in the US since 2004, but because of better content and availability i decided to do so. It has obviously a real address and phone number.
I always paid for content with iTunes credit aka. gift cards, and never had any kind of trouble. Not even buying iTunes Match, which is a yearly renewable membership.
It was a nightmare to have this problems, because IP-based my request was sent to Apple-EMEA Support and got response from one of the support employee responsible for the EMEA-region.
Needless to say the girl wasn’t a bit helpful.
She just replied to me that i wasn’t allowed to buy content from the US iTunes Store.
Well i bought the App, and one In-app purchase, plus 3 more apps after this problem...

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Die unendliche Baustellen Deutschlands.

Hat jemand noch Fragen???

KÖLNER U-BAHN Fertig im Jahre 2613

Man sollte der Kölner Dom die seit 800 Jahre angefangen wurde und noch nicht fertig ist ;)
So wie die Winke Onkel Autobahnen die seit die 30er eine Landesweite Baustelle sind.
Das ist irgendwie der beste und sinnvollste Artikel über Köln das ich bis jetzt gesehen habe. Eine sehr gute Beschreibung wie die Stadt “funktioniert”.

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This is why you shouldn’t be using Whatsapp. Start caring!

Until lately i didn’t know how scary and unsafe apps millions across the world use are, and have found really scary stuff.

I guess there are some apps or ways to communicate worse than other, but Whatsapp is the worse you could ever use. Not that Viber, Line or Skype are much better.

Well and Facebook has a lot of issues, with its 1 billion users, they have a lot of info that can be sold. Let’s wait until everybody get Graph Search.
The biggest problem is that people don’t care or know how important is to keep info private.

And here i come to find the stupidity from people, at least here in Germany they sort of complain about privacy, yet use this kind of apps.
At least i am aware and concerned that things i share on Facebook and Twitter are public, so i truly choose what i post and how i handle my information. I’m not perfect nor understand everything, but i do care.


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Broadband is expensive

I don’t understand how can this still happen in 2013.

It’s truly incredible how Networks across Europe, and specifically in Germany abuse with stupid policies and as good as no other choice for the customer with the price/volume data you become on a cell contract. Of course there are 4 big companies and they probably pact the prices.

I truly have no idea how it works, but what i know is that it’s an ambush, and they rip you off!

The EU of course protects them because they’re basically the same Cartel. Control the media and communications and you have already won.

It’s sad and also very disturbing to see this situation in this so called first world!
Overpriced services with no customer service and no intention to bond with the customers!

Truly disappointing!

I searched a lot just to find that for us on-the-go-data-consuming-junkies is just one possibility.


It is a...

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Land of paper

I just want to tell you a story about a land that believes to be a Great Power. I mean don’t get me wrong, the numbers are one thing, but when you live here, you realize that everything you’ve been told and what you always believed is just a big ass LIE!

Yeah that’s right, this is a country where you need a paper for everything, the bureaucratic system here is as complicated as it gets, engineered to be as complex and unefficent that it can hardly be changed.
There are some Government Agencies that do nothing and cost millions every year, and i mean they literally do NOTHING.
But it’s too long to explain, i leave that for another post. What really pisses me off, is that this country still works on the paper/stamp era.
It doesn’t matter if you want to do easy stuff as cancel your cable or change your insurance company, you’ll need a paper with a stamp for that.

You looking for a...

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