Land of paper

I just want to tell you a story about a land that believes to be a Great Power. I mean don’t get me wrong, the numbers are one thing, but when you live here, you realize that everything you’ve been told and what you always believed is just a big ass LIE!

Yeah that’s right, this is a country where you need a paper for everything, the bureaucratic system here is as complicated as it gets, engineered to be as complex and unefficent that it can hardly be changed.
There are some Government Agencies that do nothing and cost millions every year, and i mean they literally do NOTHING.
But it’s too long to explain, i leave that for another post. What really pisses me off, is that this country still works on the paper/stamp era.
It doesn’t matter if you want to do easy stuff as cancel your cable or change your insurance company, you’ll need a paper with a stamp for that.

You looking for a job? If you have enough papers with stamps, you’re good to go!
Do these people know of some machines invented by the devil or some witches called computers? Ever heard of e-mail? phone?
They try to sell some funny idea of being green, and some stuff like that, but actually they do all the opposite. Lately in the news i saw that the “let’s turn off the Nuclear plants because they’re evil” move just backfired! How? Well, in order to deliver enough juice to light the whole damn place, they need a lot more coal burning plants, because that’s so damn green right?
And getting the coal out of the soil is also a process that involves no environmental damage, right?
This bunch of little sissies, three hugging, organic lovers just screw this one up!
But thank god, the frog-eating neighbors of ours, aren’t that stupid.
So they’re building some brand new hi-tech Nuclear power plants just across the border, to supply the energy we need.
After all, it’s not dangerous or evil when it’s not in this soil, right?
Of course, building down infrastructure is totally something one could expect from an industrialized country.

I guess this guy they had in the 30′s and 40′s as President really messed them up! I guess they’re all traumatized, because they’re not able to publicly demonstrate some kind of patriotic feelings without being scared of being called the “N” word.

It’s really easy to be efficient and make things easier for people, with the government area, well, it’s not the only country that works like that, but in the private sector?
Ever heard of customer service? I guess they haven’t.

It’s annoying, and to see how great they think they are, it’s like really, really painful. But yeah, in the news the only thing you see, it’s how bad Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Russia, etc are. How poor Africa and whatever region they choose is.
How damaged any country is because of a natural disaster. How broke the US is. Stuff like that, and at the end it’s a “you see how good you have it here”

People that think, they’re free (ROFL) that actually “laws” are obeyed and they have rights.
Sure, think whatever you want.
No one spies on you, don’t worry, this isn’t ‘Murica!
The big bad mean NSA can’t reach us, right?
The magic EU is going to protect us, right?
I guess Merkel thought the same before she found out her conversation had been heard for months.
One thing is that on paper they’re not allowed to, and a whole different story is that they don’t or won’t do it at will!

But hey, after all, dreaming and believing is free!


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This is why you shouldn’t be using Whatsapp. Start caring!

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