This is why you shouldn’t be using Whatsapp. Start caring!

Until lately i didn’t know how scary and unsafe apps millions across the world use are, and have found really scary stuff.

I guess there are some apps or ways to communicate worse than other, but Whatsapp is the worse you could ever use. Not that Viber, Line or Skype are much better.

Well and Facebook has a lot of issues, with its 1 billion users, they have a lot of info that can be sold. Let’s wait until everybody get Graph Search.
The biggest problem is that people don’t care or know how important is to keep info private.

And here i come to find the stupidity from people, at least here in Germany they sort of complain about privacy, yet use this kind of apps.
At least i am aware and concerned that things i share on Facebook and Twitter are public, so i truly choose what i post and how i handle my information. I’m not perfect nor understand everything, but i do care.

The Almighty EU either don’t care, know or probably even profit from such kind of apps. I truly think it’s the latter.
And it’s not really hard to see what the intentions of such services are, as well as how they will manage the information they get from you, just read the privacy policy.
But yes, all US services are tapped, and all EU services are safe and comply with whatever you think they do!

People in the EU are aware or worry a bit about this things, even if they don’t take proper actions, the biggest problem is they truly believe that the EU or their own Government won’t spy on them because “it’s not legal”.
One answer i always hear is: Why would they do that to me, i’m not that interesting, and i have nothing to hide.
Wake up people!

I come to find really hard to understand why Apps like Wickr are not that widely used. It offers top notch security, it’s multi platform (iOS & Android) and it’s free. But i know maybe 6 people that use it, 4 of them i told them to do it.
VoIP? Encrypted calls? Don’t even dream about it!

In Mexico, where i lived most of my life, and have a lot of friends and acquaintances, i never heard or noticed that any single one of them cared about this kind of issues.
They think that by making their Instagram and Twitter private as well as Facebook profile that they’re already safe.

After all the biggest problem i see with people, they want free Apps and services that are widely used so they don’t need many of them.
PGP/GPG or S/MIME mail? Say what?

Start caring about what you share and how you communicate online, it might be dangerous.

This is truly mind-blowing stuff.

WhatsApp is broken, really broken

This video shows exactly why you should care about what you do online.

Be careful of what you do and share online


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