Edward Snowden’s Exclusive German TV Interview

German Television Channel NDR did an exclusive interview with Edward Snowden which was aired on Sunday Jan. 26th late nite European Time.

It was broadcasted only dubbed in german, which in my opinion takes a lot away. You know, lost in translation.

And believe germans are specialists in doing it.

Afterwards it appeared on the ARD Mediathek, needless to say the relevance of such an interview, the Public Broadcaster is only allowing the video to be viewable within Germany, you know, because no one actually cares about what Edward Snowden is talking about. They say is due to “Legal Reasons”.

I think the good thing to do is to make it available for everybody to watch it.

So here you can see the full interview in english.

I’m not going to explain the topics of the interview, just watch it yourself.


Update: The video has been taken down, no matter where it’s uploaded.
You can view/download it here hope it lasts.


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