No to “no spy” agreement
Yet again the US kindly said to Germany go f#@k yourselves!
Now that it’s public, people started flooding Twitter and Überwachung (Surveillance) has been trending for days. And i have to bring up that Twitter usage in Germany, in my experience, is really low.
Or somehow i just happen to know the people that don’t use it.
As if before this political failure of Berlin they didn’t do it.
Right, because they didn’t do that to the so called most powerful woman in the World for years as-well as all the imbeciles in key positions of the German Government. It’s hard to believe that this are the same people that ran the Stasi.
People actually think that it’ll just start now. “Oh god, i’m only going to use services from the EU, because they’re secure!”
I already wrote about it in the past, almost a year ago, that people here are just plain naive and stupid.
Thinking that National Governments or even the EU is going to do something.
First of all, they can’t, if the US doesn’t agree, what is the EU going to do? That’s right, NOTHING.
I’m almost sure they’ll even profit from it.
They just won’t do it public, spying on everybody, just because they can.
As if they don’t actually already do it.
But what does your everyday man here thinks? “They can’t, it’s not legal”.
Oh Jesus, as if someone would give a damn in the Parliament.
But hey, keep using your State certified email, it’s secure.
The more you believe in what they say, the more they can profit from you.
I had to laugh a lot today when everybody was so excited about the Blackphone (on Twitter, in Germany), not because it isn’t good, but because they think that some magical product will solve everything!
Blackphone is made by the people of Geeksphone and the people from
Silent Circle.
I truly believe it’s a really good product.
BUT, nowadays you can get almost as secure using an iPhone or an Android phone, with the right Apps and the right settings.
Encrypted messages, emails and calls? Of course you can!
Look at Apps like Groundwire or csipsimple
which combined with services like Ostel you can achieve such levels of security.
Use PGP/GPG on your email, or S/MIME Read Me and also Apps like Wickr or Telegram.
After all, even a Blackphone in the hands of someone with no idea, is as insecure as any other phone in the market. And besides all of that, i believe it’s really the moment, i can almost guarantee that from all those people ranting about the US spying on everybody, as good as nobody will buy said phone if it doesn’t come susidized from a carrier.
And today there are many options to achieve security without the necessity of buying a dedicated phone, or paying exorbitant amounts of money for it.
Why? Because there are a lot of people with the knowledge, and they actually give a fuck of this situation, so they develop such things for your regular John Doe.
Why do i trust such Apps? Because of things like this.
Also because in others like Ostel or csipsimple people can get involved, open source is truly wonderful for this kind of Apps.
If you’re used to wait that someone will solve your life, that Governments actually care of what happens to you or that they actually work for you, well, take a seat and wait, it’s just not going to happen.
I’m in no way a security expert, but i do care how i communicate, and actually do research on the Apps & services available for me to do it. And i get to find that the adoption of such services is not slow but almost inexistent.
Flooding Twitter with complains won’t solve shit. And what i try to do by writing such things is to make people aware and to make them see that there are options.