Broadband is expensive

I don’t understand how can this still happen in 2013.

It’s truly incredible how Networks across Europe, and specifically in Germany abuse with stupid policies and as good as no other choice for the customer with the price/volume data you become on a cell contract. Of course there are 4 big companies and they probably pact the prices.

I truly have no idea how it works, but what i know is that it’s an ambush, and they rip you off!

The EU of course protects them because they’re basically the same Cartel. Control the media and communications and you have already won.

It’s sad and also very disturbing to see this situation in this so called first world!
Overpriced services with no customer service and no intention to bond with the customers!

Truly disappointing!

I searched a lot just to find that for us on-the-go-data-consuming-junkies is just one possibility.


It is a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom (T-Mobile) it is the only company that offers 3GB for an affordable price.

About 30 euros with 120 talk minutes.

Otherwise your stuck with 200-500 MB for the same price or even more.

The hook is that the others offer stupid flats that really no one need. SMS, MMS? Seriously?

Does somebody still use those?

Unlimited landlines? in 3 years that i’ve lived here, i only know 2 guy besides me, and i don’t even have a phone, that have a stupid landline.
Flat to the same network? A lit bit hard, because everybody uses different networks depending on their necessities. Prices are unreal, flat calling all networks 10 euros or something like that, but a bit of Data and boooooom you’re already at 35 easily and it gets up tp 90 for 3 GB.

Another advantage of Congstar is that T-Mo is the only network in Germany that supports LTE for iPhone, and even if not officialy with them, they do, because they use 100% the T-Mo network.

Disadvantages of using it, is that they don’t support VisualVoiceMail, because that’s a T-Mo exclusive, LTE gets throttled at 7,2 Mbps, so well not really LTE, and last but not least, the MoFo’s sniff your packages even on VPN, how do i know? I tried using VoIP while on LTE/3G and it got scrambled.

So, if you’re looking for an affordable service with “lots” of Data look for Congstar, if you can live with the limitations, otherwise all the others are going to fuck you hard, and at the end you’re not even going to get a kiss.

The logic of the Germans is as good as none. Because you can get a 10 GB Data only service for an iPad or a Stick for about 30 euros with Tethering option. Downside is, it’s with Vodafone, so no LTE on iPad.

They restrict the use of broadband as if it were something new, and the price is set in Gold. And they argue about the political correctness and the right of using the word Nigger. Whut???

It seems like Hitler really fucked this people up!

Try looking for a translation of Common Sense to german. Translate the words one by one.

Because Translators already find a “common” used expresion that is sort of what they think it is.
But it just isn’t! And they just don’t have it!


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